Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Rice Crispy Treats - Single Serving

  (Prep time: 3 minutes)
Sometimes you want breakfast in a dessert, and that’s where rice crispy treats come into play. Now you can make them yourself in minutes!

Ingredients: breakfast bowl full of rice crispy cereal, 1 cup of marshmallows (about 2 handfuls), 1 tablespoon butter (about 2 spoonfuls)

Directions: Toss together all ingredients and microwave for 40 seconds or until marshmallows are spread-worthy. When ready, use spoon to mix all ingredients together until of one consistency. Refrigerate to harden or eat right away!

Tip: Try adding other sweets to your mixture, such as M&M’s, brownie bits, dried coconut, nuts, and peanut butter (the options are endless).
With a little creativity, you can create some of your favorite treats in a matter of minutes. Don’t underestimate the power of the microwave. Your local grocery store or CVS should have all the ingredients listed. By making any of the above dishes, or one you come up with yourself, you can accelerate your kitchen game and satisfy your taste buds all in one ultimate ding! It’s ready.