Sunday, September 21, 2008

She Love Wine's Potato Soup

This is one of my favorite soups, it says comfort food to me. This recipe came from my mother's friend, Adele, she would bring it to us when we were sick.

She never had a set recipe, neither do I........this is how I make it.

Peel and cut up potatoes, enough to fill your saucepan or soup kettle halfway.
Add peeled and quartered onions, several of them
Next add several stalks of celery, include the leafy tops after trimming off the ends.

Add water to cover and 2 tsp.salt. Cover and bring to a boil.
Boil until tender. Cool.

When very cool, put all in a blender, including the water....puree. ( Or blend together with the middle of the blender cap removed and covered with a towel)

Put the puree in a clean soup kettle.
Stir in milk until you get to the desired consistenc, depending on how thick you like it.
Add a very generous chunk of butter, about a pat per serving
Add salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle in dried parsley or fresh if you have it.
Next add some cooked and crumbled bacon. Heat through on medium, stirring often so you don't scorch the soup. Adjust seasonings.

If you have some left over baked potato in the refrig.........peel and cut it up – add to the soup.

Add cheese if desired..... serve.