Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tailgating Tip Sandwiches

Our gang enjoys the tips in fresh French rolls (bought 7:00am day of the game) with American cheese and grilled Vidalia onion. This recipe feeds 10 pre and post game if other main courses are served.

24 - 30 Hours before game...purchase meat, and prepare.

8 - 10 lbs. - Sirloin Tips, or Rib Eye cut into 2 inch cubes. Trim any excessive fat; meat needs some fat to remain juicy throughout grilling process. Cut tips and put in a large Tupperware container.

Crack a beer, and keep it in your left hand (right hand if you are a leftie) for balance if nothing else...drink liberally.

In a large mixing bowl combine:
1 1/2 cups of ketchup
8 tablespoons molasses
3 tsp Gulden's Spicy Brown Mustard or Dijon Mustard
6 tsp Soy Sauce
3 tsp Garlic Powder
3 tsp Habanero Pepper Sauce (more or less according to your friends and your tailgates proximity to the port-a-potty)
1 tsp black pepper (1 1/2 ts fresh ground)

Crack beer #2 Pour Sauce over tips, mix well so meat is thoroughly coated. Refrigerate for 24 - 30 hours.

Crack Beer #3 in anticipation of what is about to come.

At your tailgate place tips on the grill, and save the extra sauce. Grill according to your liking. For messy tips (and a messy grill) baste through out the grilling process. If you coated your tips well the day before there should be no need to baste.