Sunday, November 1, 2009

Festive Fall Snack Mix

If you are a fan of the sweet and salty combination, then this will become an instant winner! And did I mention it requires no cooking?

1 Box of Mini Peanut Butter Sandwich Crackers
1 Small Box of Raisins
1 Bag of Candy Corn
1 Bag of Plain M&M’s
1 Jar of Lightly Salted Dry Roasted Peanuts
Mix together in a large bowl. (The small ingredients tend to sink to the bottom, so give them a little boost to the top.) CHOW DOWN! Nom! Nom! Nom!

I like it because it’s not a complete sugar-loaded-wasted-calorie-snack. You get a little sweet, but some protein and fiber while you’re at it!