Monday, September 22, 2008

Dad's Dieter's Delight

Looking for a GREAT diet dish or a spectacular brunch dish? This is it. My dad made this for us when we were kids and even today it is one of my all-time favorite dishes.... the gingerale just makes it. I use the Diet Vernors.

Pink or Red grapefruit
Navel Oranges
Fresh pineapple or canned tidbits or chunks in its own juice
Vernor's Gingerale - nothing else will do

Section grapefruit (remove the membrane) and oranges.
Add pineapple (tidbits or chunks)canned in it’s own juice, (juice too).
Mix gently.

Serve with a little gingerale poured over indivigual servings.

Hint: Put oranges in boiling water for about 5 minutes and the white pulp will come off easily. Grapefruit will not need it because you will remove the membrane from them.