Tuesday, November 23, 2010


A toast to you, dear reader, for stopping by my blog. May your glass be always full, always crystal and always close to good friends. Cheers!

A few guidelines to give you a starting point to toast someone.
Be gracious, keep it simple and from the heart. Often the shortest toasts are the best and sound the most sincere.

• Never drink a toast or stand, when it's being offered to you. However, you should always stand up and respond to the toast, even if this means just thanking the host for the gesture.

• You should always stand when offering a toast unless it is a small informal group. Standing can help you to get the attention of the group and quiet them down.

• Never refuse to participate in a toast. It is more polite and perfectly acceptable, to participate with a non-alcoholic beverage or even an empty glass than not at all.

• Be Done. End on a positive note. Clearly define the end by saying "Cheers!", asking your audience to "Raise your glass," or some other accepted gesture.