Thursday, February 18, 2010

Muddy Rocky Road

12 oz semi-sweet chocolate chips — I used Ghirardelli 58% chocolate pieces for this

12 oz butterscotch chips

1 cup chunky peanut butter

12-oz jar dry roasted peanuts

2 cups miniature marshmallows

In a large double boiler or in a heat-proof bowl set over simmering water, melt the chips over low heat. Stir in peanut butter until melted and mixed with the melted chips. Add peanuts. Let cool slightly and add marshmallows.

Spread mixture in a 9×13 buttered pan and refrigerate for at least two hours. Lift from pan by grasping foil, set on a cutting board and cut into desired size squares/bars. The mud should remain store in the refrigerator and will keep for a couple of months in an airtight container. Makes 60 pieces.

(Note: I’m keeping it in the refrigerator – recipe says it lasts a couple of months at room temperature, but I’m not so sure about that.)